Put custom logo instead of Earth logo : Updating Favicon

Recently someone on Shopify Discussions asked how they can replace the Earth logo (Favicon) to their custom logo. In this post, we will be looking at how you can do the same. If you prefer watching video over reading, checkout this video instead:

For those who might not be aware Favicon is the logo on top left of your browser tab. By default in Chrome browser, it has a Earth logo, as shown here:

But since this can be changed easily, most brands and companies add their own custom logo instead. Updating your Favicon logo for Shopify store is quite simple, and you can follow these steps for the same:

  1. Go to Online Store > Themes, from your Admin panel
  2. Press the Customize button to go to customisation screen
  3. Now press the Theme Settings button (gear icon) on the left
  4. Expand the Logo dropdown
  5. Press the button Select image for Favicon image
  6. Now you can either add (upload) a new image, or choose from already uploaded ones
  7. After selecting the desired logo image, press Done, and then Save your changes
  8. Refresh your store page, and you should now be able to see your custom logo as Favicon

I updated mine to a skateboard, and now it looks like this:

That’s all for this post, I hope you learnt something new from this.

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